Blue pumpkins

It is astonishing how many different pumpkin variants exist with their different color range - from almost white to orange and red to deep green and also blue as i learned. However, the pumpkins in the picture are not Blue Jarrahdale pumpkins and are blue due to the lomochrome turquoise film.
As a child i knew only the classic garden pumpkins from movies and books. I can’t remember that i saw much pumpkins in my childhood. It all came later when halloween got more and more popular. The statistics seems to support my memory.

It was weirdly fascinating to me when i saw a pumpkin field of kış kabağı for the first time in Türkiye - also the delicious dessert kabak tatlısı.1. I should try to make it myself sometime.
I am also wondering how stable the pumpkin harvest is in times of climate change.2
You can really go into a rabbit hole if you look into the history of pumpkins and their trade routes. There are some interesting articles and videos about that topic:
- Pumpkin Pie from 1796 - A History of Pumpkins:
- The Poor Man’s Pumpkin:
- Kew Gardens: Pumpkins:
- First Known Image of Cucurbita in Europe, 1503–1508:
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